What we did----- 1. Review the words we learned last week. 2. Lesson 9 story and characters Homework of this week---- 1. Word practice 2. Workbook lesson 9 week 2 3. Flipgrid Summary小雪的魔笔
What we did------ 1. Tone practice 2. Test of lesson 5 3. Lesson 9 new characters and making sentences Homework----- 1. Workbook lesson 9 week 1 2. FlipGrid 小雪的魔笔 3. Finish test
登鹳雀楼 静夜思 静夜思 静夜思(jìng yè sī) 李白 床前明月光 ( chuáng qián míng yuè guāng ) , 疑是地上霜 ( yí shì dì shàng shuāng ) , 举头望明月 ( jŭ tóu wàng míng yuè ) , 低头思故乡。 (dī tóu sī gù xiāng ) What we did today--- 1. Test for the lesson 5 characters 2. Two poems : 登鹳雀楼 & 静夜思 Homework--- 1. Watch the videos above 2. Recite two poems and also record them on FlipGris
What we did----- 1. Lesson 5 Q & A 2. Lesson 6 new characters 3. Tones practice Homework------ 1. Q & A(Please check your email,the file already shared with you.) 2. FlipGrid Recording