What we did------ 1. Grammar a). The position of the adverb of time in a sentence. b). ..越来越....(more and more) c). Conjunction(but, so, and, because.....) 2. 中翻英(translation) Homework------ 1. Recording FlipGrid 2. Word practice
What we did----- 1. 情绪剧场 2. Talk about feeling and emotion 3. Quizlet Homework--- Please write down you feeling everyday,if you can draw a picture with color that would be great.
What we did------ 1. chinese calligraphy fonts 篆书 隶书 楷书 行书 2. New phrases Quizlet 3. Game Homework------ Please search your name in 4 different fonts. Fonts converter Fonts converter
What we did------ 1. Knowing the time zone. 美国有几个时区? 你现在所在的地方,现在是几点?天气如何? 2. 动画卡通(Animation) : Tarzan 花木兰 功夫熊猫 豆豆龙 3. 讨论: 这些动画卡通,你最喜欢哪一部?为什么? .你最喜欢的卡通人物是哪一个? Homework----- Watch Tarzan & listen music on our blog.